My Granny - Dolina Young <3

My Granny - Dolina Young <3


As a child born on the Isle of Lewis, if you weren’t out exploring the wilderness of the island, you grew up painting, cutting and sticking. Creating little magic masterpieces. This creativity stayed a part of me and has now grown to be my full time job and business.

Where did the business come from you ask? In 2016 we lost our ‘Island Granny’. Our anchor. My granny loved seeing us spend money, she got such enjoyment out of it. When she passed away, my dad handed me a small amount of money and said “this is your granny’s legacy, spend it wisely” - these words stuck with me. So I sat on it, until I found my first craft machine, which I now use everyday within the business.

From this, I have spent time trying different products, learning what I can do, and do well, and also what people want to see. I have brought my part in Granny’s legacy to life, through this business. She would be so proud.

To my customers, and supporters; my business, my drive, and my future legacy, is after my Granny - Dolina <3

Love, Ciorstaidh x